Downtown Nashua
Located at 129 Main Street in the heart of downtown Nashua, Wingate’s Pharmacy is easy to find. Look for our distinctive gold-leaf sign between the San Francisco Kitchen restaurant and Cardin’s Jewelers right on Main Street.
Municipal parking close to our store can be found one block south of us, behind the Bank of America branch (on the same side of the street.) The multi-level lot is covered and has inexpensive meters on the lower floor.
From the South
Wingate’s Pharmacy is just two traffic-lights north of City Hall, located on your left after the block with the Bank of America branch. To find easy parking, turn left one block early, just before the bank, and use the municipal lot.
From the North
To get to Wingate’s Pharmacy from the northern part of Nashua, proceed to Amherst Street (Route 101-A EAST) and turn right on Main Street. Go down the hill and at the first light there is a Dunkin Donuts on your left diagonal. Proceed through to the second light where there is a Darrell’s Music Hall (you’ll see a window full of pianos) on your right. Wingate’s Pharmacy is about two-thirds of the way up the next block on your right-hand side, at 129 Main Street; look for the characteristic gold-leaf sign which reads: “Wingate’s Pharmacy and Compounding.“
Highway Directions
You can also reach our store from the Everett Turnpike. Simply take Exit 7 East, and proceed down Amherst Street (Route 101-A EAST) and turn right on Main Street. Go down the hill and at the first light there is a Dunkin Donuts on your left diagonal. Proceed through to the second light where there is a Darrell’s Music Hall (you’ll see a window full of pianos) on your right. Wingate’s Pharmacy is about two-thirds of the way up the next block on your right-hand side, at 129 Main Street; look for the characteristic gold-leaf sign which reads: “Wingate’s Pharmacy and Compounding.“